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Posts in Manager
Rachel Ngai

Centre Manager

Rachel is a full-time mother of 2 kids, and is very active in fostering and scaffolding their education, learning trajectories, and personal development. Rachel has been a proactive and committed member of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at her children's school for the past seven years, in which time she has organised and volunteered at numerous events for the school community. Having worked closely with the principal, teachers, parents, and students, Rachel has encountered children of different abilities and has adopted a strengths-based approach towards empowering children.

Rachel is enthusiastic and committed to the GEM team, and is keen to apply her attentive and caring nature towards the centre's staff, parents, and students. Paralleling the Centre's mission, her goal is to help children strengthen their characters to enhance early childhood growth and to ignite a lifelong love of learning.

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ManagerRosa Tse